A flower shop is a place where people meet, mingle, shop and you get to know them over a period of time. You get to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and you get to know their style and needs. It’s part of the job that I really love, our customers.

Meridith Isaacson


  • Pat MacGregor
  • Jon Rasnic
  • Ben Frey-Booth


Verde was realized in collaboration with Scott and Meridith Isaacson and Strata Architects. Special thanks to: Structural Radar Imaging, Kemly Electric, Chris McMullen Productions, K&A Custom Painting, NW Elements, Zolas Plumbing, Tydi Concrete Cutting and Bret’s Wallcovering. Photographs courtesy of Suzi Pratt.


Verde & Co. Florist Meridith Isaacson’s Artful Green Thumb

” — Seattle Magazine
